Secure and Robust

Sequoia focuses on security and robustness in our choice of tools, our development methodology, and feature set.

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Easy to Use

A library is only as good as its integration in downstream projects. As such, we made ease of use one of our main goals.

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Holistic Approach

Improving the security of OpenPGP users requires more than a new implementation. Therefore, we are taking a holistic approach and are improving the ecosystem.

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Sequoia PGP: Out and About

By Neal on September 4, 2024

Over the past few months, we’ve attended a number of conferences. In addition to hearing from a lot of people who had helpful feedback and fresh ideas, we’ve also held several presentations.

In this post, I summarize our talks, and link to recordings when they are available. I also report on the OpenPGP Email Summit, which is a yearly gathering of some people from the OpenPGP community. (If you are interested in the so-called LibrePGP / OpenPGP schism, read on.)

At the end, I list where you can meet us in person in the near future. (Spoiler: at Datenspuren in Dresden in September, and IETF 121 in Dublin in November.)

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UX studies to test and improve sq

By Franzi on June 18, 2024

In a few months, we plan to release version 1.0 of sq, our primary command line interface. With version 1.0, we will commit to a long-term stable API. Ideally, that API will also be usable. Although we’ve put in a lot of time thinking about usability, we want your feedback. To this end, we’re conducting a user study.

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Do you want to see more?

There are a number of projects under the Sequoia umbrella.
